Well Water Treatment and Solutions in Central Minnesota & South Metro Area
Know what’s in your well water and how to treat it for safe, clean water throughout your entire home. Tri County Water Conditioning offers affordable and effective solutions to improve the smell, taste, and look of your water. We remove iron, nitrates, arsenic, hard water, hydrogen sulfide (smelly water), and more.
Tri County Water Conditioning also offers free basic well water testing with fast, accurate results in most local areas. Enter your zip code to see if you qualify for free water testing!
We will perform a basic test on your well water to determine your Total Dissolved Solids, Hardness, and Chlorine content and present you with a professional analysis of the results.
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Common well water contaminants in Central Minnesota & South Metro Area
Hardness Minerals
Treatment – Our guaranteed water softener provides the best option for soft water on the market. It improves the water throughout your entire home while protecting your appliances and fixtures.
Nitrate (NO3) is a naturally occurring form of nitrogen (N) which is very mobile in water. It is essential for plant growth and is often added to soil to improve productivity. Water moving down through soil after rainfall or irrigation carries dissolved nitrate with it to groundwater. In this way, nitrate enters the water supplies of many homeowners who use wells or springs. Drinking water high in nitrate is potentially harmful to human and animal health.
EcoWater’s advanced ERO375 Reverse Osmosis System will provide you with outstanding drinking water that removes nitrates up to 99%.
Treatment – The EcoWater ECR 3502 is rated to remove up to 15 ppm of clear water iron. In most cases, our equipment can remove triple the iron compared to competitive brands. Should your water run red out of the faucet, an ETF AII9 Air Injection filter ahead of your water softener will usually fix the problem. In severe cases, a separate iron filter may be needed.
Dirt & Sediment
What it is – dirt & sediment is just as it sounds. This is typically most common in well water or surface water that hasn’t gone through a treatment facility.
Treatment – Dirt and sediment are found in almost all water supplies and will decrease the efficiency and lifespan of your appliances. For example, sediment in a water heater can prevent the heat from transferring to the water in the tank once sediment has built up in the bottom. Our whole house filtration system can help with this problem.
Different types of organic matter can cause your water to taste bad, often fishy or earthy. Bacteria in water takes many forms and the best way to know the type of bacteria present is to have your water professionally tested. A common symptom of bacteria in water is slime build up in the toilet tank.
After we determine what form of bacterial contamination is affecting your water supply, the EPS 1000 microbiological drinking water purification system is often the solution of choice. Certified to meet or exceed the EPA requirement for the removal of bacteria, viruses and cysts such as giardia and cryptosporidia, the EcoWater EPS 1000 can be installed on both municipal and well water supplies.
Sulphur & Methane Gases
Dissolved gases can cause cloudiness and bad odors in water. It can also cause pipes to hammer and spitting of gas and water when a faucet is opened. Methane gas is odorless and occurs naturally in some underground water wells. Hydrogen sulfide gas smells like rotten eggs and is occasionally present in underground aquifers. Dissolved gases in water can be aggressive to piping systems and cause wear on valves, seats and washers.
If you have a rotten egg odor in your water you may not need any equipment at all. Should the odor be noticed only when using hot water, the problem may be simply fixed by servicing the water heater. If your cold and hot water, however, is found to have a trace of hydrogen sulfide gas, our Sanitizer Series may be the solution for you. In severe cases of hydrogen sulfide and methane gas, or multiple water problems, we also offer the Sentry Open-Air, a system that is like your own private water treatment plant, offering pristine, crystal clear water without leaving unwanted chlorine or other trace chemicals that may be found in municipal water systems.
Chromium 6
A new study by the Environmental Working Group reports that Ohio drinking water contains hexavalent chromium, a toxic metal that has been linked to cancer. While the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency does not require the testing for the metal, the survey found that levels in the Ohio water in some areas were pushing the levels proposed as a safety limit by authorities. This contaminant has been proven to cause cancer. You can search your zip code to see the amount in your municipal water supply here: https://www.ewg.org/interactive-maps/2016-chromium6-lower-48.php#.WXYljtPyu-l
Other Contaminants
What they are – common contaminants in our area can include lead, arsenic, pharmaceuticals, and more. These are not included in the free water test, however, we do offer full laboratory testing at an affordable price.
Treatment – Protecting the water in your home is important, however ensuring the purity of the water you are putting in your body is even more crucial. Our Reverse Osmosis drinking water system will give you a peace of mind that your drinking water is healthy, and you are going to fall in love with this drinking water system that can provide up to 50 gallons per day of delicious water.

Fill out the form below or call our location in Hutchinson: (320) 455-9284 or our South Metro office: (952) 392-4449 for a Free Estimate!