Bottled Water – They are not all the same
When we sit down to write an article, our goal is to share ideas, share some facts, and cause the reader to stop and think about things. We avoid, with great passion, the scare tactics I see others use. Today, we want you to think about bottled water, what you are buying and why you are buying it. This isn’t to worry you or frighten you, but to raise your awareness so you aren’t making assumptions thinking they are true.
So why do we purchase bottled water when water is plentiful out of our faucets at home?
Many believe bottled water is better or safer than we have at home. Not necessarily. The question becomes; how has the water been treated, if at all? Is it raw water from a spring, artesian wells, and/or has it been filtered or purified? Depending on what is in your bottle, you may very well be better off drinking the water from your faucet if you are on a municipal source.
Filtered water is not purified water. Purified water has gone through a reverse osmosis process to remove most of the contaminants. Purified water is the cleanest, safest water for drinking. The labeling laws for bottled water are very weak, making it difficult to learn much from the label. Take some time and do your research on the bottled water you are drinking. Unfortunately, the web pages you find comparing bottled water brands only refer to PH, electrolytes, and taste. They don’t seem to care about any contaminants that might be in the water.
Many people bring their own bottles into grocery stores or other refill outlets for water. There are two issues that concern me. I’m going to use the grocery store refill station as an example. My first concern is whether the bottles people are using to fill with water are sanitized. Soapy water may not be enough to kill the bacteria inside the bottle. If the bottle is not sanitized, the water going into those bottles is exposed to whatever bacteria or other germs may be lurking inside the bottle.
My second concern is whether the water station is continually cleaned and sanitized. I have witnessed dirty bottles being placed in the station, children reaching up and touching the spout that dispenses the water, and many human hands working in, on, and around the station. My personal opinion is that’s not the environment I want my water to be exposed to.
The point here is to know the source of the water you are drinking. Whatever bottled water you choose to drink, we suggest you know what is actually inside the bottle you are drinking from.
The water we provide comes in five-gallon bottles, it comes from a municipal water source and then run through a Reverse Osmosis process to remove most of the contaminants to purify it. Our bottles are sanitized prior to each use, filled under sanitary conditions, and sealed at the opening protecting them from human touch.
These bottles are priced a bit less than what you buy in the store when you pick them up at one of our offices (Prior Lake / Hutchinson). They are only a bit more to have them delivered to your home or business and save yourself the inconvenience of filling, carrying to your car, hauling them home, and carrying them into the house.
If you want to have quality drinking water in your home, avoiding all of the listed inconveniences above, and avoid storing and/or recycling the empty bottles, then a Reverse Osmosis system installed in your home is the perfect option for you. Pricing for bottled water in the stores can range from $1.29 – $1.79 for a 16.9 oz. bottle (or smaller). With an RO system in your home, the cost is $1.05/day (based on a 5 year period) for as much water as you want. Your choice.